The Structure of NNIC

Organisation Details

Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre(NNIC) is a non-profit community-based organisation, incorporated under the NSW Incorporated Associations Act and registered with the ACNC.

We are registered as a Public Benevolent Institution and a Charity with Income Tax Exempt and Deductible Gift Recipient status.(Donations over $2 are tax deductible).

We are managed by a volunteer community based management committee that is elected by NNIC members each year at the Annual General Meeting. The committee meets every month and communicates via email on a regular basis. Any interested community member can apply to become a member of the committee. To apply send an Expression of Interest outlining your relevant experience and why you would like to join the committee, to NNIC. If you are a young person (ie under 25 years) and have little or no experience in management committees, WE STILL WANT YOU!! We are willing to mentor and support you in a management committee role.

Underpinning all of our work is a strengths-based approach and the belief that community pride and cohesion is the key to a functioning community and reducing crime, disadvantage, isolation and unemployment (and demand upon our services). We have seen that people working together and sharing resources can lead to significant activity including economic benefits.


NNIC works in partnership with many other organisations in relation to various services and projects. Some of our most significant relationships are shown on this chart.


Currently our most most significant partnerships are with the Buttery (Nimbin AOD Hub) and the CONC (Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres Far North Coast) (multiple programs and projects).

What is the CONC?


The Goals of NNIC


Once a year the NNIC team meets for a day of planning and review of the Strategic Plan.