NNIC is hiring!! we are looking for a suitably qualified and experienced person to become our Casual Relief Community Worker. This is a casual position, to provide relief for our permanent staff when on leave. SCHCADS Level 3.
Applicants MUST address the selection criteria in the Job Kit, available here - or hard copies available from Nimbin Neighbourhood and Info Centre at 71 Cullen St, Nimbin, (02) 6689 1692 from 10-00 am til 4-00 pm Monday to Friday.
Applications close: Friday 29th November 2024. NNIC is an EEO employer and a Child Safe workplace. First Nations applicants are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will be required to undergo the Working with Children and relevant Police checks.
Fire Permits now required as of 1st September all fires now require a permit. To apply for a permit see the RFS website https://nswrfsprod.service-now.com/guardian_csp?id=guardian_index
Sustainable Nimbin Community Plan - Well done Nimbinites! the Plan has been reviewed and renewed by 97 individual community members and was launched at Sustainability Alley at the Nimbin Show. It is now available to view or download here. WATER has been added as a new Focus Area.(NOTE: the Updated List of Achievements referred to in the Plan are a work in progress and will be finalised and available here ASAP).
Some of the actions under the Plan are already well underway and some Strategies have even been achieved – most notably the goal of getting a Nimbin rep onto Lismore City Council. Well done and Congratulations to our very own Virginia Waters!
You can get involved in the Food Security activities – join the Nimbin Food Security Facebook page to find out more; or the newly formed Nimbin Arts Collective - again…join the Facebook group for more info. Passionate about Water? We are looking for people to form a small working group to work on progressing the actions under the Water Focus Area of the SNCP – contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Not on Facebook? Contact the above email address to get onto our SNCP email list for updates. For more info on the SNCP see the Sustainability - Intro tab on this website.
Many thanks to the Northern Rivers Community Foundation for the funding support.
Sustainability Alley Thanks to everyone who participated this year and contributed to a great family atmosphere all weekend, and congrats to our Quiz winners of the Composting Tumbler and the Worm Farm. Many thanks to Nimbin A&I Society for including us in the Annual Nimbin Country Show again this year.
2025 will be the 105th Nimbin Show (Wow!). We will keep you posted about the dates for next year and encourage folks to set that date aside in our diaries to avoid holding other events on the same weekend, so that more of us can get out and support our local Show next year.
Costs of Living getting on top of you and bills piling up? You may be eligible for some electricity bill relief via the EAPA vouchers scheme. Make an appointment with our Community Worker, Elke to find out more (call 66891692 or drop in during our opening hours 10am-4pm weekdays).
Nimbin Death and Beyond - weekly info sessions/workshops - Saturday Mornings at the Church of Aquarius. More details here.
NSW Drug Summit – Can we get it to Lismore? YES WE CAN! SUCCESS! Many thanks to everyone who lobbied the NSW Government to bring one of the regional sessions of the NSW Drug Summit to Lismore. Nimbin CDAT (Community Drug Action Team – auspiced by NNIC) is pleased to see the announcement of the Lismore session to be held on the 4th November 2024.
The last Drug Summit was held in 1999 and led to a range of initiatives, including CDATs being set up across the State.
Struggling with Alcohol or other Drugs? AOD support workers are now available at NNIC due to a NEW partnership with The Buttery. For people who use alcohol and other drugs in Nimbin and surrounds, and/or their families, friends and carers. No referral needed. Drop into/call NNIC and speak with Nicole on our front desk for an appointment. Or call/email the following:
Phone: (02) 6687 1111
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disaster Readiness As we slowly move from Recovery into the Preparation phase of disaster management, now is a great time to develop or review our own personal Flood and Bushfire Plans. It is important to consider such issues as what to take in case of evacuation and evacuation routes in case of emergency. Now is also a good time to clean up our properties and reduce fuel loads e.g. sweep up and compost leaves, pick up sticks, prune trees overhanging our homes and driveways, keep gutters clear etc. Back up your key documents (e.g. medical, insurance) onto e.g. external hard drives or USB pegs so they are easy to take with you or in case they get damaged/destroyed in a disaster.
The AIDER (Assist Infirm, Disabled and Elderly Residents) program is a free, one-off service which supports some of our most at-risk community members, by providing services such as clearing gutters, thinning vegetation around the home, removing leaf and tree debris, trimming branches from close to the home or mowing or slashing long grass. For more info call 02 8741 4955 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or see the website https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare/aider
Community Care Team Now is also the time to join the CCT and get trained up ready so you are ready to get out and about in your neighbourhood if disaster strikes. For more info contact Anna on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill out the EI form available on our website – see the Disasters tab.
Nimbin Flood Recovery Support Service the the long-awaited Large Lot and Landslip policies have finally been released in relation to the Resilient Homes Program. The battle continues however as the policies do not solve all our problem for many of our locally impacted residents. For more info contact the service via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 0488 144 647.
Rekindling the Spirit Aboriginal Health Service – GP Clinic now located at NNIC every second Thursday. Drop-in health checks and treatment. Hep C testing also available – results in 60 mins and treatment can commence immediately. Most people with Hep C can be successfully treated and cleared of Hep C. Appointments preferred. To book an appointment, drop into NNIC or call us on 6689 1692.
Exciting NEWS! Fantastic FREE opportunity for young people aged 12 to 19 years to learn and create your very own website. Don't miss out on this amazing chance to develop your skills and bring your ideas to life! For more details and to register, visit the website.
Brought to you by Nimbin Youth in partnership with NNIC and funded by the NSW Government: The Department of Regional NSW
#YouthEvent #WebDesign #Coding #FreeEvent #NimbinYouth
NNIC Solar system upgraded! Thanks to funding provided by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), NNIC has upgraded our solar array and installed battery storage to enable us to keep operations going at NNIC in the event of a power failure occurring, especially in a disaster situation. Thank you FRRR!
Nimbin Neighbourhood Food Pantry NNIC’s Food Pantry is open every Wednesday for community members to purchase a range of groceries for very cheap prices. You can find the Food Pantry at garage in the carpark next to the Neighbourhood Centre. You can also find our Friday Soup Kitchen at the same place. Anyone interested in joining our Food Relief team can contact Nicole at NNIC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
7 Sibley St and the adjacent basketball court area Unfortunately we lost the battle for the boundary adjustment between 7 Sibley Street and the adjacent basketball court area at the July meeting of Lismore City Council. The decision made by Council in 2020 to progress the boundary adjustment has now been overturned. This is very disappointing because it means we were unable to bring that area of land back into community ownership, but we will continue to negotiate with Council to try and find alternate solutions to the access issues at 7 Sibley Street so that the Project can progress. Council has indicated an interest in building on the basketball court site, with a permanent library for Nimbin and a Visitors Centre being two of the possible options under consideration. 164 people responded to our survey about the revised plans for 7 Sibley Street and the adjacent area of land. In that survey we floated the idea of a library being built there and there was some interest from the respondents (about 28%) in further exploring that idea. Overall though, according to those survey results, there was not a lot of appetite for building anything on the basketball court site at this stage.
For some time, the NAG (Nimbin Advisory Group) has recommended to Council that a Master Plan be developed for the whole of the village, including Peace Park, which includes the area of land involved in the now defunct boundary adjustment proposal. There is support for that idea in Council and it would provide the opportunity for the whole community to consider what we all want for our village into the future, as well as to involve new residents and our younger people in the ongoing community building process for which Nimbin is so highly regarded, and in relation to which we have a long and proud history.
NNIC looks forward to the ongoing negotiations with Council regarding 7 Sibley Street and also to any community consultations regarding a Master Plan for Nimbin, when/if they occur.
You can find the Summary of the Survey conducted in June 2023 in relation to this issue, plus our Report to the July meeting of Counncil, in the surveys section of this website, here.
Take Home Naloxone – Available for FREE at NNIC (also available at the NSP and the Pharmacy), by appointment. Naloxone is a lifesaving drug which temporarily reverses the effects of an opiate overdose. Anyone who may become exposed to opiates, whether by prescription or otherwise, is at risk of accidental overdose. Naloxone buys valuable time for an ambulance to arrive. It is available for FREE at NNIC to people who are at risk of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction, their carers, friends and family members and any other people who may become first responders. Naloxone can be administered by injection or delivered through a nasal spray. To get some for your first aid kit, make an appointment with Nat or Nicole.
Nimbin Community-owned Cooling Plate the cooling plate is now available for hire to Nimbin community members. (The fee varies according to capacity to pay). The cooling plate is for use in the context of home deaths, and is placed under the deceased loved one in order to have more time to grieve, for family and friends to say their final farewells and to allow time to make the necessary arrangements. Contact Nat at NNIC for more info or if you think you may be needing the Cooling Plate in the near future.
Community Care Team (CCT) and Emergency Radio Network Go to the Disasters page on this website for more info plus an Expression of Interest form to join the CCT. We are still looking for CCT members across the catchment.:
NNIC is OPEN 10am-4pm Mon-Friday at 71 Cullen St Nimbin (next to the park), 66891692
We can help with lots of support and info: e.g. food support (including dog/cat food/supplies), hot meals, frozen meals, drinking water, mental health support, assistance with mobile phones/devices, printing, copying, internet access and help with navigating the myriad of disaster relief payments and grants.
COVID-19: Mask-wearing inside especially in confined spaces is recommended. Good ventilation and hand hygiene practices remain crucial. If you need NNIC services and support but you currently have COVID OR are Feeling unwell, OR are Feeling nervous and wanting to maintain social isolation, then YOU CAN CALL us on 6689 1692 and we can arrange a telephone appointment for you so you do not have to come in personally.
Need CLOTHING? Nimbin CWA may be able to assist.
For more info and assistance come into the Neighbourhood Centre.
For more helpline numbers see our Health page.
Northern Rivers Buslines for buses travelling between Nimbin and Lismore.
Gosels Bus Service for buses travelling between Nimbin and Murwillumbah.
Quinn’s Bus Services local school bus routes.
Check the relevant Bus Company's website for timetable updates.
WIRES 1300 094 737
NRWC 6628 1866
Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers 6672 4789
Friends of the Koala 6622 1233
7 Sibley Street - Nimbin's Sustainable Living Hub - what happening there?
A large variety of workshops happen to provide skills share opportunities and social connections between people.
The Nimbin Community Tools and Equipment Library is opebn to members for borrowing os useful things.
7 Sibley Street also operates as a satellite hub of NNIC, providing a soft entry point into our services and referrals into programs.
It functions as a key composting and recycling hub in the community.
It operates as a promotional hub for local producers to enhance our local economy and job opportunities.
See the Sibley St website for all the latest info and updates
Progress against the goals of the SNCP can be found via the Sustainability tab above under each key Focus Area's own page.